
Overview: Mastermind is a classic code-breaking puzzle game that challenges your logic and deduction skills. In this web-based version of Mastermind, you'll embark on a journey of code-cracking excitement. For best gaming experience play on MOBILE!

Game Elements:

  1. Game Area:
    • Level Display: At the top of the game area, you'll find the current level displayed.
    • Guess Input: Enter your code guess into the input field provided. The code consists of a sequence of digits.
    • Check Button: Click the "Check" button to submit your guess.
    • Result Display: Below the input field, you'll receive feedback on your guess, showing how many digits are in the correct position and have the correct value, as well as how many digits have the correct value but are in the wrong position.
    • Timer: A timer displays the remaining time for each level. If time runs out, the game is over.
  2. Game Over Popup:
    • If you run out of time or successfully guess the code, the "Game Over!" popup will appear.
    • You have the option to restart the game by clicking the "Restart" button.


  • Starting the Game: The game begins automatically when you load the page. The initial level is set to 1, and you have a certain amount of time to guess the secret code.
  • Guessing the Code: Enter your guess in the input field and click "Check" to submit your guess. Ensure your guess is a numerical sequence with the same number of digits as the secret code.
  • Feedback: After each guess, the game provides feedback on how many digits are correct in terms of position and value.
  • Level Progression: If you guess the secret code correctly within the time limit, you'll advance to the next level. Each level increases the code length, making it more challenging. Additionally, the time limit increases for the next level to maintain the thrill.
  • Game Over: If you run out of time, the "Game Over!" popup appears, allowing you to restart the game and try again.

Objective: The ultimate goal of the Mastermind game is to successfully guess the secret code for all levels. With each level, the complexity increases as you face longer secret codes and stricter time limits.


  • Make sure your guesses are valid by entering numerical sequences with the correct number of digits.
  • The timer adds an element of urgency to the game, so try to guess the code before time runs out.
  • Enjoy the challenge of progressively longer secret codes as you advance through the levels.

Enjoy playing the Mastermind Game, and may your code-breaking skills lead you to victory!